25 March 2002 // Resident Evil and more Cosplay, but not at the same time.

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Now playing: Dir en grey, Kisou (whole CD). Ooh, pretty shiny CD cover... ^_^ YesAsia is officially on my "approved" list - I ordered this and Inoran's Fragment last... Wednesday? and they came in the mail today. Less than a week. Awww yeah. ^_^

Okay, I accomplished only about half of the things I'd planned this weekend. No web work or cleaning got done, but I did go see Resident Evil as intended, and I did some clothing shopping that needed to happen. Yay for new bras that aren't falling apart and actually fit well. *lol*

Resident Evil is the creepiest damn movie I've seen in a LONG time. I think the last movie that creeped me out as much - left me literally shaking as I left the theatre and made me go home and listen to "Silent Lucidity" on constant repeat before I could even think about sleeping - was the original Jurassic Park. and that was mainly because I'd read Michael Crichton's novel before seeing it, was studying biotechnology for Academic Decathlon, and new that that shit was possible. That's what scares me - biotech horror. Stuff that has roots in real science (however farfetched those roots might be) and then takes those basics out to the darkest limits of imagination... yet leaves you with the gnawing suspicion that it could happen. Michael Crichton is a master of it. I need to go re-read The Andromeda Strain now... see if my impression is right, that RE is Andromeda Strain on crack, with zombies thrown in. Possibilities... Multinational megacorporations exist. Deadly viruses and flesh-eating bacteria exist. It's not that far an imaginative leap to Umbrella Corp. and the T-Virus, ne? Not that I've been sleeping with the lights on, listening to "Silent Lucidity" and "Le Ciel" on constant repeat, and keeping my nice, sharp sword close to hand, naaah... *lol*

That said, RE was a damn good horror movie. I haven't played the game yet, so I can't compare how well they captured the feel (I did, however, keep flashing back to the spookiness of Parasite Eve... which I still haven't managed to beat). If it's as close as people who have played the game say, I want to give the game a try... if only I didn't suck at anything that required more than a modicum of manual dexterity (hence why I haven't beaten PE yet). I had my happy fangirl moments with Milla Jovovich in the shower scene, and kicking ass in her slinky red dress. ^_^ I kept trying to figure out how to get Alice and Rain together for a yuri scene. *ecchi grin* I have the hair for Rain cosplay. ^_^ The last scene of the movie reminded me very much of the PV for "Le Ciel" ... minus the angelic Malice Mizer costumes, of course (yeah, that's the real reason I was listening to that song over and over, yeppers). And now, of course, I thoroughly share Largo's loathing for the undead. Well, for zombies, anyway. *snicker* I still like vampires. *grin* *wanders off momentarily singing "Transylvania"*

After the movie on Saturday, I must have talked to Nyx-sama for a good hour and a half, which did wonders to calm my nerves and distract me from visions of zombies dancing through my head. I need to get my ass in gear and get my life in order so I can move to Austin and be with her as I've been planning for a while. She needs out of her current situation... and I don't know what to say to her other than nodding (or saying "uh-huh") and being sympathetic and encouraging. I wish I could just be there in person for her, give her a hug when she needs it, move in with her and implement all our Big Plans For When Elya Moves to Austin. As it is, we have enough trouble just connecting on the phone, and usually end up playing phone tag for a couple of days before we can really talk (as was the case this past week). I miss her. Five days in February wasn't enough.

Well, the Dir en grey cd is long since over and I'm on the second to last song of the Inoran cd... and Kisou was a good 70 minutes long *lol* ... but Inoran is so mellow, and it's so late... and I'm starting to fade...

Bah. *goes back to Kisou* Kyo will wake me up. ^_^

I went girly shopping again. I actually bought shoes specifically for Easter. Gyeh. However, they're platform sandals (a good 3 inches high at the heel, muaha), and they're to go with this wonderful dress I made in high school... all part of an "Au Revoir" Mana-inspired Easter outfit. *snicker* Yes, I'm going to cosplay to church. What's really scary is that it'll be the second Sunday in a row. Hehheh. More on that later.

I figured out one of the reasons I like Mana's Au Revoir dress so much (other than the fact that it's a damn cool dress). The lines remind me of this dress ... quite possibly my favorite dress ever ... for which I have since lost the pattern *cursecursemutterswear*. I want to make more dresses like this. I would use this pattern as the basis to make a much more accurate Au Revoir Mana Dress. I would make another dress out of red velvet, and another of black vinyl. I wannnnnt to find this pattern again.

So... I have the dress, the, uh, undergarment necessary to make the thing fit, the shoes, the necklace... I need flowers for my hair and possibly for the collar of the dress, and I need to figure out what the frak to do for makeup. *lol* I'll also probably need to trim the full slip for under the dress. Muaha. I love cosplay.

Cadence: I thought it was "*groan* Oh, the things I do for cosplay! *angst angst*"
Elya-chan: Well, yes, that too ^_^;; ... but I do it because I love it! **^_^**

Speaking of... I said it would be two Sundays in a row to cosplay at church, ne? Yesterday (*checks clock* yep, still yesterday) for Palm Sunday, the choir sang "Hosanna" from Jesus Christ Superstar, and I got to sing the solo part of... Jesus. Muaha. So of course I had to do something ridiculously wrong that nobody there would get... I wore my Au Revoir Gackt outfit. *evil cackling* I got an amazing number of compliments for the outfit and the hairdo, too. *lol* I love that costume. It gets me fans. The solo went really well, too - it was right smack dab in the middle of my comfortable "belting" range, and I had a great time with it. ^_^ Afterward, Matalie asked me if I'd ever thought of going out for ACLOA. That's Albuquerque Civic Light Opera, now known as Musical Theatre Southwest. I... blinked. My jaw dropped. "I... hadn't before... but I am now." Wow. Matalie thinks I'm good enough to do that. I miss being on stage like that, being in big awesomely nifty productions (not like I was ever in more than a couple of relatively modest things in high school and college). I'm... definitely going to look into it. If not here, then in Austin... ^_^

Ehhh, that's about it... I found a few other nice pieces of clothing on Saturday, including a black shirt on which to apply a butterfly and a certain band's logo (if I can't find the exact shirt I want to buy, I'll make it myself), a delightfully soft, light sweater that vaguely resembles the shirt Kami wears under his vest-thing for his Au Revoir outfit (I keep up this trend, I'll have outfits from that video for all the band members! *giggle*), and a damn comfy pair of sneakers which shall become my official DDR shoes. Muaha. Now I need to go see Giselle about the hair style and color I want...

And I'm back at the end of the Dir en grey cd again. I think it's time to crash... warm cozy bed is calling my name...

But first... the place where I got the silly talkbox is back up, and I'm trying to decide if I want to put the thing back on the page. Got any strong feelings one way or the other? Let me know in the guestbook. Quick-n-easy form is right there where the box used to be. ^_^ Also, apropos of last thursday's entry, I've joined a nifty new clique called Mizer-licious! C'mon, with a name like that, how could I not? ^_^ Cute linky buttons down at the bottom of the page... one of these days, I'll give all those adoptions and cliques a page of their own and show off my pocket bishounen collection to boot. Muaha.

Right now, though, I need some sleep. Oyasumi. *crash*

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21 November 2002 // I'm not dead yet!
03 October 2002 // Snarling bitch to genki fangirl in 0.8 seconds flat! [i]
27 September 2002 // He's got butterfly wings, not feathery angel wings. Geez, people!
25 September 2002 // The Great Oekaki Contest Begins! [ai]
14 September 2002 // The obsessiveness continues...

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The Kami/Gackt picture above was lovingly scanned by me and carefully edited for this layout. Please don't swipe it. Take the unadulterated version here, and if you use it somewhere else (like a wp or a skin), please link me and let me know - I'd love to see the results!

Serena Karaoke Dilandau-sama! Dragonslayer Viole

I support J-rock! mizer-licious! Dir-esque
gackt and kami make me think yaoi thoughts
FucKeD uP fAngIrL
put on your makeup, boy
Sockful of Quarters kanji