22 March 2002 // Elya-chan is a nutcase. Yeppers.

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Uwaaaaahhhh... I am so tempted to order the Vanilla re-release just for the cover art... mlaaaa-blibbity-blaaaaaa... *can't speak, can only stare and drool* heehee... given the pics from yesterday, that's gotta be him... XD~~~

And while I was ogling, Ken comes back and sees me smiling and giggling. The way office politics are right now is really odd. It used to seem kind of like Ken & Al vs. Q & me, but since Todd (Al's... s.o.) started, it's more like Al & Todd vs. Ken vs. Q and me... and Ken's siding with us for the moment. *lol* He's being very friendly and nice to both of us. Hence the following conversation:

Ken: *sees me giggling and comes back* do me a favor... share the joke?
Elya: do you want to see the cover art for Vanilla?
Ken: Uhh, sure... *has no clue what Vanilla is*
Elya: *shows*
Ken: Niiice...
Elya: And it's probably him. ^_^
Ken: Him?? Does he look like that?
Elya: *nodnod* *shows her current wp, the one with the bubbles* That's him. ^_^
Ken: That's a guy? He's got really nice features. Is he... all there?
Elya: Well, he is a bit of a nutcase...
Ken: *laughs* Okay, anytime we have Japanese customers, I'll call you up front and have you talk to 'em.
Elya: You see any that look like this guy, you let me know! *grin*

Muahaha... I swear, that's the comment I get most often when I show someone a pic of Gackt... "That's a guy?!"

AIM randomness, in which I also catch up on some of what else is going on in my life...

Demented Fangirl: *wannnnts her dir en grey cd to get here*
Deus Zukin: *lol* you ordered it from Yes Asia?
Demented Fangirl: yep.
Demented Fangirl: and Inoran.
Demented Fangirl: that'll be mellow coding music. ^_^
Demented Fangirl: DeG will be "turn it up all the way and drive down the highway scaring people" music. ^_^
Demented Fangirl: with occasionally switching cds out to play Vanilla or Illuminati. *grin*
Deus Zukin: uh oh
Demented Fangirl: muaha.
Demented Fangirl: *muchly giggling at random chat log*
Deus Zukin: *poins to Largo's review of RE-Movie*
Demented Fangirl: *nodnod* i read that de gozaru... think i'm going to try to catch it at a matinee on saturday. ^_^
Demented Fangirl: also saw the pic of milla jovovich. XD~~~
Deus Zukin: *nods* You must watch it, RE is very very cool... and slinky red dress!!
Demented Fangirl: mmm, slinky red dress...
Demented Fangirl: i like the bit about "you cynics who saw Tomb Raider for the plot - all four of you" ... lemme just say, I wasn't one of 'em...
Demented Fangirl: mmm, Angelina Jolie...
Deus Zukin: *nods* and shower scenes! *lol* Then there's the Red Queen, pure evil, kinda like if Alexis was a computer program that ran microsoft...

Clove: Almost done with that....
Alexis: *glares* I am much better than... wait... bring it down from the inside! *smirks*
Deus Zukin: I happened to like the Tomb Raider movie!
Demented Fangirl: I did too!
Demented Fangirl: I thought it was great fun! ^_^ and... mmm, angelina jolie... in midair... ^_^
Demented Fangirl: i just didn't see it for deep plot *lol*
Deus Zukin: *lol* ^_^;;;;
Deus Zukin: No... deep plot is something it would never be able to have... the games themselves don't have real plot *lol* more of just eye candy, though better plot than the D&D movie
Demented Fangirl: now, that REALLY had no plot... *lol*
Demented Fangirl: plotless wonder...
Deus Zukin: Pure eyecandy, alot of it wasn't that great either
Demented Fangirl: yah.
Demented Fangirl: glad i didn't stress about seeing it in the theater...
Deus Zukin: same here... Shrek was amusing though... *lol*
Demented Fangirl: hmmm... when is RE showing tomorrow... and is it showing at high ridge or 4 hills...
Deus Zukin: I would not know... I could find out though
Demented Fangirl: *goes to moviefone.com*
Deus Zukin: that works too ^_^

RE's music is also good throughout the movie, the soundtrack itself is all right, but not something I would pay 15 to 20 dollars for, especially since I can just spend 12 hours downloading a zip file of the entire thing ^_^
Demented Fangirl: *lol* so... i should bring the zip drive over sometime?
Deus Zukin: Haai! ^_^ Besides, you might like the rest of the soundtrack (more or less, not even I like the Maralyn Manson track on it)
Demented Fangirl: it's not showing at high ridge, but it is at 4 hills.. 12:35 and 2:50 are the matinee showings tomorrow... dunno if their cutoff time for the matinee price is 2 or 3, though...
Deus Zukin: hmmm, I am unsure
Deus Zukin: hmmm I want to see a music video to "everyone"
Demented Fangirl: ewww, marilyn manson... but see, that's the beauty of burning our own copies - we can leave that one out! ^_^
Demented Fangirl: *hides from marilyn manson behind Gackt and Klaha*
Deus Zukin: Haaai! *lol* Everyone is still the best track though *lol*
Demented Fangirl: *lol*
Demented Fangirl: hmmm... Gackt and Klaha... now, that would be an odd pairing....
Deus Zukin: Rammstein - Halleluja... does this seem wrong?
Demented Fangirl: quite possibly, or it could be really cool... i'd have to hear it...
Deus Zukin: *lol* I need to pay more attention to it *nods* maybe I'll listen to that after Everyone...
Deus Zukin: It's pretty damn cool
Demented Fangirl: *grin*

finally finished the work my parents wanted me to do on their website... maybe i can work on my own this weekend... or on plushiedoken... and my diary needs a new layout, dammit, i've had the current one for well over a year...
Demented Fangirl: i need to cleeeeean too... urk.
Deus Zukin: awww
Deus Zukin: Depeche Mode is on the RE soundtrack as well
Demented Fangirl: ooooooh! ^_^
Deus Zukin: ^_^
Demented Fangirl: hee, found the quote...
Inigo Montoya: You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

Auto response from Deus Zukin: Now you too can shower with Malice Mizer brand soap! Call now and get your brand new Band Member scrubby loofa thingies... god this comercial sucked

Demented Fangirl: *ROFLMAO*
Demented Fangirl: I want Malice Mizer brand soap! and a Band Member scrubby loofa! Do they have those of former band members, too? Heehee... Gackt scrubby loofa... ^_^
Deus Zukin: Gackt sold as seperate product, Vanilla bathsoap
Demented Fangirl: *grin* Are you sure it's not that deep-conditioner stuff I found at Sally's the other week?
Demented Fangirl: (*still wants*)
Deus Zukin: did your condition come with a gackt loofa?
Demented Fangirl: nope. That must not have been it, then.
Deus Zukin: ^_^
Demented Fangirl: heehee... vanilla bathsoap with a Gackt loofa... and how about a Klaha loofa to go with the MM soap? ^_^
Deus Zukin: sure
Demented Fangirl: heeheehee...
Demented Fangirl: *giggle* Ed: 3DD |-|4ZZ B0u||tY D4T4 4 j00 lolololol
Demented Fangirl: alright, art of life just started.. let's see if I can finish what i'm supposed to be doing by the end of it... *lol*
Deus Zukin: *lol*
Deus Zukin: *roflmao*
"There's always doujinshi"
Demented Fangirl: *nodnod*

(Gackt & You: We don't need no steeenkin' doujinshi! *snicker*)
Deus Zukin: eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
Demented Fangirl: muaha.

I should stop listening to Vanilla in the shower in the morning. I'm such a nutcase for the rest of the day when I do... but I'm an awake nutcase! ^_^;;; So... yeah. Right. And the word of the day, in case you haven't noticed, is nutcase. That, or I'm still high from the chocolate from the Candy Lady (and still giggling from the peek into the "back room" with all the ecchi candy).

I'm a Jrock fangirl
So what if the guys look like girls? They're pretty and have cool outfits and their music is the best. Give me Dir en Grey over Ayumi any day.

What kind of fangirl are you?

Well, duh. >^_^<

I love fridays. I get to torment gamers tonight. Muaha. And yes, I set one of those pics from yesterday's featured link as my wp at home. Hehheh. *evil grin*

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21 November 2002 // I'm not dead yet!
03 October 2002 // Snarling bitch to genki fangirl in 0.8 seconds flat! [i]
27 September 2002 // He's got butterfly wings, not feathery angel wings. Geez, people!
25 September 2002 // The Great Oekaki Contest Begins! [ai]
14 September 2002 // The obsessiveness continues...

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The Kami/Gackt picture above was lovingly scanned by me and carefully edited for this layout. Please don't swipe it. Take the unadulterated version here, and if you use it somewhere else (like a wp or a skin), please link me and let me know - I'd love to see the results!

Serena Karaoke Dilandau-sama! Dragonslayer Viole

I support J-rock! mizer-licious! Dir-esque
gackt and kami make me think yaoi thoughts
FucKeD uP fAngIrL
put on your makeup, boy
Sockful of Quarters kanji