27 March 2002 // "You've got the rhythm!" "You LIE!!!" *tangle, crash*

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Bwaaah. I love wednesdays. It's just me and Q here at the gallery, and I can hide in back and goof off all day. As long as I get the few things done that I have to (new acqs, mainly), which... ah... sometimes doesn't happen in a very timely manner...

Current distraction: catching up on Lauren's diary. Got up to about May 2001 before deciding that I really oughta close the window and concentrate on my real work. Of course, in between bouts of "real work", I'm typing in here.

Finally got together with Cym-nee-chan last night and gave her her Mana plushie. ^_^ Then we went to Hinkle, as I am wont to do on Tuesday nights... and it was surprisingly busy. Oh... it's spring break for public school here in ABQ. That would explain it. I only got a round and a half on 5th Mix (more about that in a sec) and one round with Cym on 4th Mix. I discovered that my new shoes, though highly comfy for walking and dancing where accuracy does not count, reeeeeally don't work nearly as well as my boots do for DDR. I got used to being able to hit buttons with my big clunky heels, and I have to be somewhat up on my toes to dance. I managed to clear Dynamite Rave basic with a C as my first song, but after that I just SUCKED. Egh. The other problem is that at Hinkle they have the overhead music on so loud you can't really hear the beat you're supposed to dance to very well. After several pitiful attempts to repeat my amazing feat of clearing Afronova Primeval, I figured out that reeeeeeeally does make a hell of a difference. That little bowling alley arcade in Phoenix may have been lame in many ways, but it had no other music on, and I could hear what I was supposed to be dancing to. Pity that they hadn't unlocked the extra songs on 5th Mix - "Abyss" has this highly sweet Gackt-ish piano line... which I only discovered after I actually downloaded the song to give it a decent listen.

So these guys were there, kicking butt on many songs, and one of them kept trying Dynamite Rave maniac as his last song, and only making it about halfway through. So confident little me went up and said, "Want to go up with me? I can clear it on basic..." Ha ha. I can, really I can. I've done it several times. I'd done it once that night already. Heh. Hehheh. We did it as our second song (on the theory that your life bar doesn't go down as quickly on early songs, which it doesn't)... and... FAILED. Miserably. Ouch. "I thought you said could do it!" he said. "I caaaaan.... really... *blinks* *collapses* I'm sorryyyy..." I gave him two tokens to make up for the two songs we didn't get to do. Myaaaaah.... *cries* so much for my self-confidence. Dammit. I'll get this figured out yet. I don't think I'll go again until Friday with the gamers, since it's likely to be just as busy all week and I won't be able to do my usual monopolize-the-5th-mix-machine workout. *lol* Though maybe after choir tonight... I've been telling Matalie and the other people who go to Double Rainbow (*koff* Flying Star *koff*) after choir about DDR, and Matalie says she wants to see this sometime.

Oi. I'm addicted to DDR. There, I've admitted it. I see arrows scrolling in my sleep. I hear songs and think, "heyyy, that would be a good DDR song... about a 4-foot on basic, maybe?" and then attempt to make up steps. One of the many reasons I need a more 1337 box is so that I can actually run the DDR PC clones and carry out my evil plan of choreographing Illuminati, Color Me Blood Red, Ju te veux, Vanilla, Music Hour, Sexy Sexy, and a whole bunch of other highly danceable j-rock and j-pop. Muaha. I'm considering buying or building a hard pad. My soft pad is shot... though not nearly as fried as David's is. *snicker* I need 5th Mix at home. And the aforementioned hard pad (or at least a better-modded or covered soft pad). And... yeah. I've started thinking about other things in terms of DDR. We're doing the Hallelujah Chorus for Easter for choir, and I'm thinking "okay, it's about a 5-foot difficulty on Alto, and I can max combo it no problem. I'm gonna try it on Soprano!" *tangle, crash*

Yah. A freak am I. Heh.

I love my gawdawful huge collection of mp3s. I especially love throwing 'em into Winamp and hitting "frappe"... er... "randomize". Yakusoku wa iranai (Esca OP) followed by Seinaru koku eien no inori (Malice Mizer) followed by Koi no dance site (Morning Musume). Muahaha. And so on. Just evil. Evil, I tell you!

Ooh... anyone want to get me a "fear the fangirl" red jersey (XL) from Dub This! for my birthday? It's coming up, you know. *hopeful smile*

Yet more quizzes. Whee!

Come take the Comprehensive DDR Personality Test!
Created by ptocheia

too sexy
I am Gackt! I do a bit of everything.
Find out which Malice Mizer member you were meant to be here
by miyabi

Enough of that. Just a few more things to finish up, and I'm outta here. Yay. ^_^

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21 November 2002 // I'm not dead yet!
03 October 2002 // Snarling bitch to genki fangirl in 0.8 seconds flat! [i]
27 September 2002 // He's got butterfly wings, not feathery angel wings. Geez, people!
25 September 2002 // The Great Oekaki Contest Begins! [ai]
14 September 2002 // The obsessiveness continues...

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The Kami/Gackt picture above was lovingly scanned by me and carefully edited for this layout. Please don't swipe it. Take the unadulterated version here, and if you use it somewhere else (like a wp or a skin), please link me and let me know - I'd love to see the results!

Serena Karaoke Dilandau-sama! Dragonslayer Viole

I support J-rock! mizer-licious! Dir-esque
gackt and kami make me think yaoi thoughts
FucKeD uP fAngIrL
put on your makeup, boy
Sockful of Quarters kanji