18 March 2002 // Lead-Footed Arrasmith. *snicker* [wi]

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YE GODDESSES AND MAZOKU! Elya-chan finally updated!

Oi, it's been... a month? I have no excuse for this nonsense. Well, maybe I do. It's been busy at work - I put up two major shows the past two fridays, and have been working on redoing all the fsckin' thumbnails of all the pieces so they have transparent black backgrounds... so I haven't been able to update from work. I... er... forgot to pay my cable bill, so I was without internet connection at home for about a week and a half till I figured out that that was why I couldn't connect. Hehheh. Other than that, I've just been lazy and unmotivated. I keep thinking, "hey, I should update my diary" and then get distracted and forget to do it. What do I get distracted by? Making wallpapers, mostly... ^_^;;; Watching Gravitation fansubs... watching Malice Mizer videos... and working on a certain eeeee-vil project which shall be revealed tomorrow, if I can get the thing photographed. >^_^< And playing with Camui-neko, of course (and trying to get her to not walk between my keyboard and my screen...).

Heh. I'm officially a "Lead-Footed Arrasmith." *snicker* Some of you know that drive from Deming to Albuquerque, the one I usually say takes 3-1/2 to 4 hours? Last night I did it in... slightly less than 3. ^_^;;; Dad and I were on our way back from the IRL race in Phoenix, and having been warned that there was a major snowstorm in Flagstaff, we took the southern route through Deming. Dad was driving as we left Phoenix at 6-ish, got to Deming about 10:30-ish, then I took over after getting fuel and munchies and left Deming about 10:45... and we arrived at my parents' house at 1:40. Heehee. The Tahoe goes down the road right nicely at about 90. The radar detector is my friend. *snicker* So is my super-genki j-rock mix, which kept me awake... *lol*

<distracted> There's this note on my list of new acquisitions for the week that just looks... wrong. It reads, "Ken will provide write up on H." I... don't wanna know what Ken's going to write about hentai. �_� </distracted>

My legs, face, and hands hurt. Face and hands 'cause they got sunburned and windburned - it was fsckin' cold and windy at the track. It's not supposed to be cold in phoenix, dammit! >_< Legs... legs are sore because I played 9 rounds of DDR at a random arcade in a bowling alley on Saturday night - 3 songs per round, most of them fairly difficult (for me, anyway) - on top of hiking up and down the stands and to and from the vehicle on Saturday and Sunday at the track.

Heehee... my DDR 5k!11z are improving. I can reliably get a "B" on most 4-foot difficulty songs, and can clear a few 5-foot songs... like Dynamite Rave and Stomp to my Beat (both on basic *lol*). And I cleared Afronova Primeval on Saturday - yes, it's only 4-foot, but I'm still proud. ^_^ The amazing part is that it was the first song of my last round, my feet were dead tired, and I still managed to clear it (with a D). If I'd tried it earlier, I would have done better. Must try again ... probably tomorrow. I've taken to going to Hinkle on Tuesdays and/or Thursdays after work to get my DDR fix - there aren't as many people there, and I can practically have a machine to myself. *lol*

Oh wait... it won't be tomorrow night. I have p14nz for tomorrow... it's Mana's birthday. Thursday, then. Heh. ^_^ Or maybe I can drag random people with me after choir on Wednesday... I keep telling them about this game, and Matalie says she wants to see it... of course, I gave her a copy of the Vanilla translation last week, since she's been wanting to see that, too... so I don't know what she'll think of me now. ^_^;;;;

Next goal: clearing Drop Out. On Basic. I do that, and I can die a happy DDR addict. Actually, what would make me really happy is if Malice Mizer's "Colour Me Blood Red" was a DDR song, and I max-comboed that. Oi. I'm addicted to this game. And that band. Must... combine... the two...

Yeah. *koff*

Another thing that distracts me: random online tests. Especially J-rock-related ones. And would you believe I've been saving the results in a text file until I updated this thing? Yeah. It's official: Elya-chan is a complete nutcase. *snicker* So, without further ado:

Call me Balanced
Are you seme or uke? Find out!

My Vincent Price Monster Name is The Mist.

I should be a member of L'Arc~En~Ciel!

I was meant to be a member of L'arc~En~Ciel! I'm not too crazy when it comes to how I dress or how I make my music, but I'm still cute.

Take the "Which J-Rock Band Should You Be a Member Of?" quiz by malloreigh

time to say good-bye..

you are natsu no yuutsu ~time to say good-bye~!
Along with your love of all things furry,
you care deeply about the people you love, and hate to see them unhappy.
And, strangely enough, you're most famous for a certain 'ass'
that appeared in the video.
And no i don't mean sakura.

"Which L'Arc~en~Ciel song am I?" test by mifyuu

Janne da Arc

You were meant to be in Janne da Arc! Bright colors and fast movement are your trademarks. You're constantly active and maybe regarded as just a little bit on the strange side by your friends. Your style isn't for everyone, but those who have gotten to know you enjoy being with you.

Take the "Which Unknown Jrock Band Should You Be In?" quiz
Brought to you by Shiroi Heya

Which J-rocker are you? My top 5 results:
# 1 Kami (Malice Mizer)
# 2 Mana (Malice Mizer)
# 3 Gackt (ex. Malice Mizer)
# 4 Hisashi (GLAY)
# 5 Yukihiro (L'arc~en~Ciel)

And yes, the plan at this time is that I'm going to cosplay as Kami for A-kon. Muaha. Now I just need to start working on that costume... and get my hair dyed and trimmed accordingly. **^_^**

Ah, I said one of the things that distracts me is making wallpapers... here are the two newest ones:

watashi wa... ima... les miserables
800x600 - 1024x768

Miz�rable Gackt. ^_^ This one looks fine on my monitor at home, but is too dark on the one at work. Go fig. I love it anyway, and had the song stuck in my head for a week after making it. *lol* Lyrics are from "Miz�rable" by Gackt, translated by Mina-P. Images from Sawasdee Gackt.

kioku no naka de... kitto mata aeru ne...
800x600 - 1024x768

Butterfly-winged angel - Kami tribute wallpaper... what will probably be my first of many. Lyrics are from "U+K" by Gackt, translated by Mina-P. Images from the merveilles cd booklet and this highly nifty J-rock image gallery.

Enough of an update? *collapses* Hope so. ^_^ *blinks* Gyah. The talkbox seems to be broken. -_-;;; Sign the guestbook? Please? ^_^

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21 November 2002 // I'm not dead yet!
03 October 2002 // Snarling bitch to genki fangirl in 0.8 seconds flat! [i]
27 September 2002 // He's got butterfly wings, not feathery angel wings. Geez, people!
25 September 2002 // The Great Oekaki Contest Begins! [ai]
14 September 2002 // The obsessiveness continues...

elya-chan's current mood

fate alteration 5.0

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fate alteration original design and content �2000-2002 elya-chan.
Layout optimized for Internet Explorer 5.5 or higher, resolution 800x600 or greater.
All characters mentioned are � their respective creators.

The Kami/Gackt picture above was lovingly scanned by me and carefully edited for this layout. Please don't swipe it. Take the unadulterated version here, and if you use it somewhere else (like a wp or a skin), please link me and let me know - I'd love to see the results!

Serena Karaoke Dilandau-sama! Dragonslayer Viole

I support J-rock! mizer-licious! Dir-esque
gackt and kami make me think yaoi thoughts
FucKeD uP fAngIrL
put on your makeup, boy
Sockful of Quarters kanji