25 July 2002 // Gratuitous j-rock fangirl gushing. Loads of pictures. More nekkid Gackt, and more sprites! [ai]

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Hmm. The clock on my computer is messed up. It says it's only 12:40 in the morning. My hide guitar clock, and every other clock in the apartment, knows better - it's really 1:20. Either way, I should be getting me to bed. Am I? Noooo, of course not. *lol*

I have discovered that WinMX is much, much happier than kazaa for finding stuff, especially j-rock and other obscure things. Somehow, I've been on an old-school Malice Mizer kick lately, and I decided to go find all the songs from memoire so I could burn that cd. Kazaa had nuffin. WinMX... muaha. Yes, that's what I'll be doing tomorrow evening, happily burning a new cd at my parents' house. And you know, I have to do my best to fill this 80-minute cd, so I went looking for any other MM stuff I didn't already have burned. "N.p.s. N.g.s. N-type" doth r0xx0r. "Apres Midi E-style" is, well, Engrish, and therefore highly amusing. "Gensou Rakuen" also r0xx0rz. That 2-1/2 minute Gackt and Kami duet that I put at the end of another cd turns out to be the second half of the live version of "Regret." And, well, don't get me started on the videos I've found... *gigglefit* but there's this one... an interview with Gackt and Kami (poor Kami only gets to say about 3 sentences) that's interspersed with live clips, including one of N.p.s. N.g.s. in which Kami actually gets to do the fanservice thing with Gackt *ecchi fangirl grin* and, well, makes him fall over. XD~~~ And then there's the one of Gackt dancing Para Para... and the one of Shingo Mama "kissing" Gackt...

So i've been shuffling my meager HD space and uploading things to streamload to retrieve later and putting things on zip disks to save. Hehheh. Must... get... new HD working... or at least get the laptop working...

Anyway. Yes. I have a new MM photobook, which means much scanning. Therefore, this will now become a gratuitous eyecandy entry.

First, new sprites! Merveilles Kami, Kami+Gackt, and Klaha:

*flutterflutter* *flutter, purr* o/~ Beast of Blood! o/~

That second one just kind of happened because I'd started the Kami sprite by tracing over the other Gackt sprite, so its layer was still in the file - I made it visible and it was like "hey, instant shounen-ai sprite! yay!" *giggle*

Next, it's the Attack of the J-Rock Chibis!

I am not cute! Dammit!
Kyo of Dir en grey, plushie-fied.
He'd be thrilled, I'm sure. *evil giggling*

Chibi Kami-chan and Yu~ki-chan ^_^
They chibify well, ne? ^_^<3

Puchi-Kami *giggle*
Chibi Au Revoir Kami + Puchiko hat = Puchi-Kami.
No, this one has absolutely nothing to do with my tendencies to randomly combine costumes. Nothingatall. *gigglefit*

As promised, nekkid Gackt. I found this auction on eBay today, er, yesterday for this magazine with naked pics of Gackt and other celebs. I'll admit, I was tempted. But hey, they've got pics to download and ogle and, well, snark at. Like this one:

Nudie pic! woohoo!

Y'know, I don't even know where to start. I mean, he's setting himself up all too well for sooooo many amusing captions. Of course, the one that first sprang to my mind (so to, um, speak) was "Where's the beef?" *snickerfit*

And, well, to answer that question...

... we have random scans from the Malice Mizer �ternit� book.

Specifically, this first one of Kami. As the line in Vanilla goes, "it's almost embarrasing." It's, um, fairly obvious who the most, er, well-endowed member of that band was... and he really probably shouldn't sit like that in those pants. ^_^;;;;;

Sokar says 'He's definitely not hung like a Japanese man.' ^.^;;;;

I was thinking about cosplaying this outfit of his, but, um, really, I'm just not, er, equipped. Zohra says I should stuff. *gigglefit*

Ahem. Moving on. ^_^

Illuminati Kami, singing

Yee! Butterfly tattoos! ^_^<3

Illuminati Kami, with the skeery mask

See, I think Die of Dir en grey raided Kami's closet. And I want a bracelet like that. ^_^ This pic is my WP of the moment. *grin*

close-up of Au Revoir Kami

This is one of many pics from this book I wish I'd had when I was making the costumes. It's a full page, and it really shows the texture of the fabrics. Aiee, so sparkly...

Bel Air Yu~ki is... cute?

I even have a new appreciation for Yu~ki's Bel Air outfit. Yes, the orange plaid is odd, to say the least, but he has the coolest makeup of anyone in the band when you take a closer look. And, well, he's cute! Look!

Yes, Yu~ki-chan is cute! ^_^

Between this adorable pic from the other photobook and a certain deliciously good yaoi fanfic saga (begin with M. Butterfly has been Seduced! here), I've started to rather like Yu~ki, and the idea of Kami and Yu~ki as a pair. ^_^ Yes, I've even given some serious thought to Yu~ki cosplay (at this rate, I may well end up with a full set of Au Revoir outfits ^^;; ).

And, er, it's now past 3 a.m. and I'm starting to kinda fall asleep. ~_~ Just a couple more... ^_^

o/~ Get down limitless night! o/~

Um... did Klaha steal Gackt's Illuminati outfit? *grin*

Say hello to iGackt.

Is it just me, or does this pic look rather like an iMac ad? *giggle* I have eeeeevil plans for this picture.

Which pics am I planning to use for the new layout? Hehheh. You'll just have to see when it's done, ne? ^_~


I'm gonna go reread the last chapter of the first part of that fic and go to bed now, methinks. Mrr. Sweet dreams indeed. XD~~~

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21 November 2002 // I'm not dead yet!
03 October 2002 // Snarling bitch to genki fangirl in 0.8 seconds flat! [i]
27 September 2002 // He's got butterfly wings, not feathery angel wings. Geez, people!
25 September 2002 // The Great Oekaki Contest Begins! [ai]
14 September 2002 // The obsessiveness continues...

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Layout optimized for Internet Explorer 5.5 or higher, resolution 800x600 or greater.
All characters mentioned are � their respective creators.

The Kami/Gackt picture above was lovingly scanned by me and carefully edited for this layout. Please don't swipe it. Take the unadulterated version here, and if you use it somewhere else (like a wp or a skin), please link me and let me know - I'd love to see the results!

Serena Karaoke Dilandau-sama! Dragonslayer Viole

I support J-rock! mizer-licious! Dir-esque
gackt and kami make me think yaoi thoughts
FucKeD uP fAngIrL
put on your makeup, boy
Sockful of Quarters kanji