30 July 2002 // Malice Mizer Shoujo Love Polygon (TM)

music // go-to-sleep j-mix on winamp. mellow ballads and gackt on piano and such.
wp // sexsay illuminati kami
link // Unfurling Tsubasa - sankyuu for linking me!! ^_^<3

Oh, the things that pop into my mind as I'm trying to fall asleep...

I have the theory of Malice Mizer fanfiction pairings figured out. It's a typical convoluted Shoujo Love Polygon (TM). At first it seems like a simple two-direction pentagon... *takes a deep breath*

Kami is sleeping with Yu~ki and Gackt.
Gackt is sleeping with Kami and Mana.
Mana is sleeping with Gackt and K�zi.
K�zi is sleeping with Mana and possibly Yu~ki.
Yu~ki is sleeping with Kami and possibly K�zi.

I say "possibly" on Yu~ki x K�zi (or vice versa) because I haven't yet read any seriously good/plausible fic with that pairing. I know Sokar wants it to happen, though, and I'm sure it's been done, I just haven't found it yet. XD~~

However, depending on which fic you read, things get even more complicated. Gackt is the main culprit, with a tendency to get paired with, well, anything that moves. Throw Klaha into the picture, and he usually ends up with Yu~ki-chan. I've seen Mana paired with members of other groups as well. I know there are fics out there with Tetsu and Gaz, but I haven't read them and have no idea what they get themselves into.

So... when you start graphing it out, you eventually end up with something that looks like, well, spaghetti. Rather like what happens in your typical shoujo series.

No wonder Mana's reportedly such a fan of shoujo manga. *giggle*

Hehheh. I found the most unbelievable ice cream the other night. It has chocolate covered cherries in it. After rereading that one Yu~ki x Kami fic, I just had to get it. It's damn good stuff. *evil grin*

And now, having shared my latest crackheaded idea and yet again illustrated the sheer absurdity of my obsessions, I'm off to bed. Oyasumi.


Random "what has elya-chan been doing besides reading fanfic" update... After a couple extra hours of work on Saturday night, the gallery's new site was ready to go live, and I stopped in and did the honors at approximately 2 p.m. Sunday afternoon. *cue cheesy mad scientist voice* It's aliiiiiive! Then I went to the Albuquerque biopark and spent a great deal of time at the Butterfly Pavilion, which is just amazingly wonderful and beautiful. Impractical to do a photo session of the merveilles Kami outfit, though. *sigh* au revoir might work, though. ^_^

I discovered that there are actually two pools in my apartment complex, and the one I didn't know was there is actually closer to my place and nicer than the one next to the office. I went swimming this morning, which I haven't done since probably last year sometime. It was lovely. Nobody else in sight. Very peaceful and relaxing. After that, I ran a few errands and went to my parents' house to make use of the new cd-burner (yee, I now have Pride of Mind on cd! woo!) and raid their fridge for some lunch. Came home to find my internet connection being fritzy, so ended up working on labels for freshly-burned cds instead of on y.d.c like I'd planned. Nyx called shortly after 8 p.m., and we talked (in between bouts of my phone deciding to run out of batteries) for nearly 3 hours. Less than two weeks till she moves here, and Mom and I go pick her up! Wai~! ^_^<3

Heh. So. Now I'm going to bed.

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21 November 2002 // I'm not dead yet!
03 October 2002 // Snarling bitch to genki fangirl in 0.8 seconds flat! [i]
27 September 2002 // He's got butterfly wings, not feathery angel wings. Geez, people!
25 September 2002 // The Great Oekaki Contest Begins! [ai]
14 September 2002 // The obsessiveness continues...

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The Kami/Gackt picture above was lovingly scanned by me and carefully edited for this layout. Please don't swipe it. Take the unadulterated version here, and if you use it somewhere else (like a wp or a skin), please link me and let me know - I'd love to see the results!

Serena Karaoke Dilandau-sama! Dragonslayer Viole

I support J-rock! mizer-licious! Dir-esque
gackt and kami make me think yaoi thoughts
FucKeD uP fAngIrL
put on your makeup, boy
Sockful of Quarters kanji