03 May 2002 // Distractions, distractions... heehee... Got Gackt? [wi]

music // big long winamp playlist of doom - currently b'z - ultra soul
wp // mm "le ciel" from asrundream.net
link //

Oi, sorry for no updates this week - i've been distracted by new singles, costume construction, spiffy new dance pad and konamix, and having to actually look busy while I get things done at work. Having problems with connectivity at home again, too. Feh.

Monday the two singles I ordered from YesAsia - Wasurenai kara and the Vanilla rerelease - arrived... and after choir, instead of working on a layout for Midgar like I planned, I decided to scan the cover art for Vanilla to show Sokar... and this was more difficult than I thought, as said cover is almost as shiny as the cover of Kisou - it's like trying to scan a fuxxin mirror. *lol* I was determined, though. Really, I got this single for the cover art - I was GOING to digitize it. I ended up photographing it with the digicam, which worked quite nicely. Check out the front cover and the inside. Yes, there is nudity. Consider yourself warned, or alerted, however you want to take it. *grin* So then, of course, I had to make a wallpaper. It's at the end of this entry. Again, nudity. It has a very "got milk?" sort of feel to it. *snickers* And the splotches... *more snickering* they're part of the art, I did not add them. As Lauren said, "he's not doing much to dispel the rumors, is he?" *evil fangirl giggling*

Right. So don't scroll all the way to the end of this entry if you don't want to see nekkid Gackt. XD~~~

Tuesday night I was painting the patchwork onto the pattern pieces for the "Au Revoir" pants at my parents' place while watching... er, listening to a particularly amusing parody of James Bond movies called Casino Royale (heh, how's that for alliteration?). Kept thinking of "Sweetest Coma Again" by Luna Sea 'cause it's apparently the theme song for the Japanese release of one of the recent Bond movies (I forget which one right now). Got one panel done except for one section before I ran out of silver paint. *grumble* Can't find the right silver at any of the walmarts in town, either... going to have to pay more for it at hobby lobby or something. Mrrf.

After that, I went home and watched the movie Rock Star. That was cool. It's all about the cosplay, I tell you. The main character is just as neurotic nitpicky about detail and presentation as I am... more so, probably, since I'm not actually in a Queensrÿche or Malice Mizer tribute band. *lol* The ending is wonderful, too... and they have much fun with the closing credits, considering that said main character is played by Mark Wahlberg - yes, Marky Mark. *snicker* Go watch this movie, if you have any sort of nostalgia for 80's glam metal or any fangirl/fanboy tendencies at all. *grin*

Wednesday saw the arrival of Konamix and a spiffy new dance pad. I tried going to home despot depot to get a board on which to put said spiffy dance pad, since my carpet sucks @$$, but the one on Eubank had both of its saws out of commission, so no such luck. Boo. After choir, came home and set up the pad on my chair mat anyway just to give it a try. Good, but could be better. Stayed up until... one in the morning... playing the game with the normal controller so I could unlock my favorite songs. I was determined to get Matsuri Japan, dangit. ^^;;

Got up Thursday morning and played DDR for half an hour in workout mode. Yay! After work, went to the other home depot and got the board. Dance pad much happier now. With the cover I got for it, I can even wear my shoes while dancing. Elya-chan much happier now. *grin* Was going to go to parents' place to paint again, but needed paint first. Needed to do much other shopping, too. Went to THREE different walmarts, and NONE of them had the tulip pearl paint in silver - the first one had a peg for it, but was out, the other two didn't even seem to carry it. Got other niftiness, though, including inkjet shrinky-dink type things... *big grin* Anyone reading this, coming to A-kon, wanting a Malice Mizer keychain or something, email me and let me know what you want and I'll see what I can do. *grinning like a fiend*

So... tonight is dress rehearsal for the women's chorus concert tomorrow night... I may go to Hinkle afterwards and have some fun with their shiny new DDRMAX2 machine... oh, did I mention that I CLEARED MAX300 last sunday? *bounce, sparkle, magical merriment* On basic, with a D, but I cleared it. Booyah. *GRIN* Tomorrow, I'm going to find that silver pearl paint, and then spend most of the day painting until I have to go to the Unitarian church at 6 to get ready for the concert.

Now, if only my MM doujinshi and photobook would arrive, I'd be a reeeeeally happy camper. ^_^

Okay... scroll down just a bit further for the new wp...





Got Vanilla?
800x600 - 1024x768

Got Vanilla? fufufufu....

By the way, Marn reminds us that May is International Masturbation Month. Have at. *ecchi grin*

May is International Masturbation Month. Have you done your bit today?

That's probably quite enough ecchiness for now. Time to post this and go home. ^_^;; *waves*

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21 November 2002 // I'm not dead yet!
03 October 2002 // Snarling bitch to genki fangirl in 0.8 seconds flat! [i]
27 September 2002 // He's got butterfly wings, not feathery angel wings. Geez, people!
25 September 2002 // The Great Oekaki Contest Begins! [ai]
14 September 2002 // The obsessiveness continues...

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fate alteration original design and content �2000-2002 elya-chan.
Layout optimized for Internet Explorer 5.5 or higher, resolution 800x600 or greater.
All characters mentioned are � their respective creators.

The Kami/Gackt picture above was lovingly scanned by me and carefully edited for this layout. Please don't swipe it. Take the unadulterated version here, and if you use it somewhere else (like a wp or a skin), please link me and let me know - I'd love to see the results!

Serena Karaoke Dilandau-sama! Dragonslayer Viole

I support J-rock! mizer-licious! Dir-esque
gackt and kami make me think yaoi thoughts
FucKeD uP fAngIrL
put on your makeup, boy
Sockful of Quarters kanji