12 April 2002 // 5w337 new digicam. Booyah.

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It's Ren's birthday! Happy birthday Ren! Nyan Nyan! >^_^<

Booyah. The family now owns a digicam.

It's a Sony. 3.2 megapixels, 3x optical zoom, accessory port, more tweakable settings than I really know what to do with (but I'm going to learn). It'll even record mpeg movies. Got a 128 MB memory stick to hold ungodly amounts of pictures.

It's highly sw337. It r0xx0rz my s0xx0rz.

Nope, I didn't get the Fuji digicam that Gackt is pimping. I thought about it, I really did. But I tried out both brands in the course of my search, and I like Sony's interface better.

Besides, Best Buy didn't have any Fujis, and the lady in that commercial scares the bejeezus outta me. Poor Gackt. *snicker* *sings the one line she knows from his new song* o/~ Wa-su-re~nai~~ kara~~!! o/~

The digicam technically belongs to my parents' business, but you know I'm going to have a lot of fun with it myself. Muaha.

Since this thing is going to take such huge pictures, I decided that it was about time I did what I've been planning to do for several months now and get a new hard drive for my poor little box at home. Yay for Best Buy. They had a 40 GB hard drive for only 80 bucks. That's two bucks a gig. w00t. ^_^ I get to install that this weekend. *grin* Don't worry, though. Even with the 1337 new digicam, I won't traumatize you with my version of a certain (in)famous Megatokyo scene.

Heehee. Techno-lust. XD~~~

I'm scaring you away, aren't I?

Don't go yet, there's more silliness today!

This morning at work, a package arrived for me from www.jpophouse.com, whence I ordered the Duel Jewel CD earlier this week. Wow, I thought, yay for quick shipping! All happy about having new music, I opened the box... and nearly fell out of my chair laughing.

It had the wrong order. Not only that, it had the wrong invoice, and the invoice didn't match the order that was in the box.

The box contained a Malice Mizer poster (Beast of Blood outfits, unless I miss my guess) and a size medium Dir en grey babydoll t-shirt. The invoice... had several Morning Musume CDs or DVDs and some other j-pop star's photo book. Not that I'd mind having a Malice Mizer poster and a Dir en grey t-shirt. Quite frankly, I'd thought about ordering both (though I'd have picked a different poster), and probably would have ordered the t-shirt if they had it in X-large.

But I want my Duel Jewel CD. I'm looking forward to seeing them at A-kon and I want to hear more of what they sound like. So I called Jpophouse's 800 number and got it straightened out. They have my order on its way to me, and they'll reimburse me for the cost of shipping this one back to them... or give me credit on my next order, or something. *lol*

This t-shirt is awesome. "Intimidating and yet cute" is what the description on their site says. But medium... no way it would ever fit me. I could put it on a teddy bear or something... or... waitaminit... I wonder where my life-size dolls are...

I have two fabric dolls that Mom made for me when I was 7 or 8. They're... about the size of an 8-year-old girl. *lol* Ana has white skin and long brown yarn hair, and Scraps Patches is... patchwork, based on a character from the OZ books. I think the DeG shirt would look really good on either, but especially on Scraps. *giggle* It would be the right size, I think. That would be so cool... and so disturbing... Scraps in a DeG t-shirt. Or Ana done up visual kei-style. I... may have to do this before I send the shirt back.

I will, of course, have to take pictures.

With the new digicam.

Booyah. XD~~~

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