7 April 2002 // Much better day... yay for bishounen and rain!

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Okay, I need to get yesterday's angst off the index page. Today was a much better day. ^_^

I had to go up to Madrid (little touristy ex-mining town up in the mountains) to help out web-guy Robert with some pictures and content he needed from another of his clients, one of the galleries up there. I had a very nice scenic drive up north 14 through the Sandias, listening to my everything-i-didn't-already-have-on-another-cd mix of Gackt. The "Into the Water" remix of Miz�rable is so wonderful - one of the few remixes I really, really like. I could just get lost in that one. Mmmm...

Well, I got there about 1:30 (we were supposed to start at 1), but the gal had called me as I was making my way out of town to let me know she would be late, too, and so I still got there ahead of her. Unfortunately, in getting her digicam back from the other guy who was supposed to take pics (but never did finish the job), she didn't get the cable needed to connect the camera to the computer... so we couldn't get any real work done. We did, however, thoroughly go over with her what the plan was, what we needed her to do (write content), and scheduled a meeting for next week at the same time.

Before I left Madrid, I randomly browsed some of the other galleries, and had a very nice espresso chip ice cream cone. ^_^

Then, because I was up in that part of the state, I had planned to go visit Sokar in Santa Fe, whom I hadn't seen in person in quite some time and whom I intended to get hooked on J-rock. *grin* I had to drive practically all the way back to the interstate to even get cell reception to call him for directions. Once I did, I had no trouble finding the place (the most difficult part was dealing with a dirt road that desperately needed grading), which was apparently a first - his parents said most people needed to be met somewhere because they got lost on the way. Hey, I'm good at following directions. I have a very good direction sense. (Unlike Sanosuke... or Ryoga... *lol*)

Heeheehee... I introduced him to the wonders of Gackt, Malice Mizer, Dir en Grey, Kaikan Phrase, and several highly amusing anime music videos, and he introduced me to the wonders of Mac OS X, Zenki, Soul Taker, Moulin Rouge, and Cirque du Soleil's Dralion. His parents treated me to some highly yummy veggie pizza and a little champagne. They tried to get me to stay the night, and I would have if I didn't have so much to do here tomorrow. ^^;;;

Kaikan Phrase came up because he has one of those metal fans, and I had to tell him about Yuki and his No dancing. Unfortunately, he doesn't have a VCR at his house, only dvd players, so I couldn't bring fansubs of that or Yami no Matsuei... he'll have to come down here sometime and see those. *grin* He's gonna love YnM...

See, he's as much a bishounen fan as I am. ^_^ Possibly more. *lol* He also showed me the X playing cards and tarot cards, Angel Sanctuary cards, and RG Veda posters he'd recently acquired. Uwahhh...

At one point, he brought out these swords he dances with. I'd forgotten how wonderful it was to watch him dance. He's an excellent dancer. I'm sure he'd be good at DDR, but I think it would be too confining for him. He moves his whole body with such grace and energy, something would be lost if he was only doing the rote footwork of DDR... if he ever did get started playing that, though, he'd be a wonderful freestyler. ^_^ But I'd still rather watch him with those swords... or the fan...

Finally, after copying all 8 of the cds I'd brought and watching much random niftiness, I had to get going home. They gave me a Fresca and a pear for the road. ^_^ We get outside to discover that it's rained. Yay! We need the moisture so much - rain is such a blessing. I drove home through quite a bit more, too. Hopefully we'll get more tonight and tomorrow.

Since i'm going up to Madrid again next saturday, i'll go visit him again afterward. Must bring more cd's and the Merveilles l'espace live dvd, and must burn a different copy of the cd-roms with the Malice and Gackt videos - the ones I have were created in such a way that they can't be read by his Mac (I didn't create these). The ones I burned with the other jrock pvs and the amvs did work, so I'll re-do the others the same way. He's gonna die laughing when he sees the butabara Utaban interviews. *giggle*

Ehhh... my computer has just informed me that it's updated my time settings for daylight savings time, and therefore it is now 3 a.m. Gyaaaah.... I gotta go to bed now or I'll be useless tomorrow... oyasumi!

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21 November 2002 // I'm not dead yet!
03 October 2002 // Snarling bitch to genki fangirl in 0.8 seconds flat! [i]
27 September 2002 // He's got butterfly wings, not feathery angel wings. Geez, people!
25 September 2002 // The Great Oekaki Contest Begins! [ai]
14 September 2002 // The obsessiveness continues...

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The Kami/Gackt picture above was lovingly scanned by me and carefully edited for this layout. Please don't swipe it. Take the unadulterated version here, and if you use it somewhere else (like a wp or a skin), please link me and let me know - I'd love to see the results!

Serena Karaoke Dilandau-sama! Dragonslayer Viole

I support J-rock! mizer-licious! Dir-esque
gackt and kami make me think yaoi thoughts
FucKeD uP fAngIrL
put on your makeup, boy
Sockful of Quarters kanji