05 November 2001 // Strip Strip Revolution o.O;;;;;

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*is happily listening to many Gackt mp3's... having ordered Rebirth from cd japan and impatiently waiting for it to arrive*

I'm doing the "dressing somewhat in character" thing again... and I'm trying an experiment to see if i can actually stand to wear makeup all day. I never wear makeup... but under Cym's tutelage (she got me in goth makeup to go to Insomnia on Thursday night), i'm giving it a try... I kinda like the way I look with just a little - powder to even out my skin tone, that sort of thing. And Cadence insisted this morning. -_-;; darn uppity prettyboy characters... AAUGH! I grabbed the wrong lipstick on my way out the door... got the black one instead of the pretty brown one, can't touch it up. *sigh*

Well, that was an interesting weekend. I knew Friday evening was going to be odd once it became apparent who all was going to be at the game... the normal group of David, Max, Ronjon, and Spacecase, plus Cym and her girlfriend Michelle. After picking up David (who was cosplaying as Keiya and/or Yuki in a very nice suit), I stopped at home so I could change into the Dejiko outfit before going to AI for the rest of the gamers. I finally got the "Oh dear gods!" reaction I was hoping for with the costume! **^_^**

I hope we didn't scare Michelle too badly. Fortunately, she was hiding in my bedroom when the really wierd stuff happened. I'm afraid Max, Ronjon, and Spacecase (henceforth referred to as "the gamers") may be traumatized for life...

See, David had picked up a copy of Dance Dance Revolution 4th Mix, and he brought it over. Now, at A-Kon, he and Cym spent a great deal of time in the DDR room, and at one point he apparently stripped (just his shirt, i think) because he was getting really hot - and he got applause. (I wasn't there to see this. ^_^;;;;;) So, now in posession of the same version of the game and able to dance to that song again, he decided to repeat the performance. We were all greatly amused. Cym then did the same thing, much to the delight of all in the room. #^_^# And then... they decided to compete against each other, see who could dance best while stripping, including taking pants off. *giggle* So... um... *snicker* they both get down to their skivvies (the gamers are, by this point, begging David to put his pants back on) and then *giggle* he takes off his boxer shorts. The gamers scream and hide their eyes, Cym and I both facefault 'cause we didn't think he'd go that far, and there he is, naked, full monty. Still dancing. And, well, bouncing. boingy boingy boingy... Cym collapses, giggling hysterically. I fall off my chair and am quite literally rolling on the floor laughing my fangirl ass off. (I'm having a very difficult time not doing so right now, just remembering!) The dancing and the bouncing and the giggling and the screaming continue through the end of the song. The gamers wonder if it will ever be safe to look again. Uh... the dancers, um, didn't clear the stage. ^_^;;;;; Their idea was to strip to one song and get dressed to the next, but we were giggling far to much to be that coordinated. They got their clothes back on, and I think that's when we decided that it was time to put the dance pads away and get on with the BESM rpg.

*giggle* *snicker* *Hiten Mitsurugi Ryu: Rolling on the Floor Laughing My @$$ Off!*

But hey, we actually got plot! Sort of! We got set up for a "minigame" of Toying With Destruction that will actually be part of the story next week. Nyo nyo nyo...

Saturday I got together with Cym and Michelle and went shopping. Girly shopping. I bought makeup and shoes. *giggle* Okay, so it was black lipstick, eyeliner, clunky black boots and a black belt with many many grommets, but that's not the kind of shopping I ever do! We went to the mall, too - I found a windup dancing Gizmo (cuuuuute!) at the anime kiosk, and Cym and I got our asses handed to us by the DDR machine at Winrock... hehheh. Then back to my place ... where Cym and I get our asses handed to us by Michelle as we play Evil Zone. *lol* And then my toilet goes wonky and spills water all over the bathroom floor, so we go borrow the shopvac from my parents, come back, I clean up the floor and call maintenance while they play DDR. Except when the maintenance guy comes over, I forget to warn Cym to put her shirt back on before I open the door *sweatdrop*. Moushiwake arimasen, Dilandauko-sama! *Dragonslayer bow* *gets slapped*

Sunday was pretty uneventful, though I did finally get to watch the Utena movie. Wooooowwww... *eyes bugging out of sockets* So pretty... so many roses... must watch again and attempt to make sense of it...

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21 November 2002 // I'm not dead yet!
03 October 2002 // Snarling bitch to genki fangirl in 0.8 seconds flat! [i]
27 September 2002 // He's got butterfly wings, not feathery angel wings. Geez, people!
25 September 2002 // The Great Oekaki Contest Begins! [ai]
14 September 2002 // The obsessiveness continues...

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Serena Karaoke Dilandau-sama! Dragonslayer Viole

I support J-rock! mizer-licious! Dir-esque
gackt and kami make me think yaoi thoughts
FucKeD uP fAngIrL
put on your makeup, boy
Sockful of Quarters kanji