21 May 2002 // Cosplay is Life, and I have the pants to prove it. [p]

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[ now playing: X Japan, "Art of Life" ]

I figured out last night how many sequins I'm going to need to sew on the Merveilles outfit: nearly 20 yards. ph33r. And I have how much time to do this? *counts* approximately 6 more evenings that I'll actually be able to work on the thing. And I still have to do wings, too...

Okay, now I'm starting to panic. Why did I think doing two elaborate visual kei costumes before A-kon would be a good idea?

I have my list now. Tonight after work i'll go to hobby lobby and get what I can there, then get the rest at joann's or hancock's, then go to my parents' house and... start stitching sequins. ^^;;

It'll work. I know it will. I know I can do this. Ganbarimasu!

But twenty yards of fuschia sequins... eeep... I am feeling very much daunted by this.

However... the Au Revoir outfit is almost done! I got pictures of the pants this weekend:

pants front ^.^ pants back - note the zipper ^^;;

Tomorrow evening is my appointment with Giselle to cut, dye, and style my hair... she's also going to do my eyebrows. ^_^ I'll get pics, don't worry.

I got all my makeup on saturday. It was so fun talking with the lady at Off Broadway and showing her what I was planning. She wanted to see the other band members' costumes as well, so as we were going through the Merveilles photobook she was pointing out different things like "Oh, that's this kind of feather," "we have feather wigs like that from time to time," "he uses a lot of ostrich feathers on that, doesn't he?" and so on. ^_^ Oh yeah, got feathers on saturday, too. Some of them, anyway. ^^;;

Sunday Sokar and his new possibly boifriend Paul came down from Santa Fe and kept me entertained while I finished up painting the patchwork on the Au Revoir vest - Paul did some of the painting as well, which helped immensely in getting it finished. ^_^ Before they left for Santa Fe, I begged them to give me a crash course in applying my makeup, and they did, and told me what I still needed (brushes).

One of the best things about cosplay is the point in the midst of costume construction when it really starts coming together and you start to see that it really does look like what you want, it really is going to work. The makeup... the makeup, the pants, the panels of the vest, the obnoxious platform shoes... they're coming together. This is gonna work! ^__^

And tomorrow night, I'm going to have Kami hair. I'm skipping choir to get this done, but Trudy and Matalie have insisted I join them as usual at Flying Star afterwards to show off. *grin*

Everyone I've told about this tells me they want to see pictures. Don't worry. That's what the new digicam is for. I'll get plenty. I wonder if I can do a photo shoot at the Butterfly Pavilion at the Biopark... heehee...

Yes. Cosplay is Life. Muaha.


Oh. More news. ^.^ SSR happened again on Friday night, and this time I did it too. And cleared all my songs, I might add. *smirk* Also, new short randomness up at plushiedoken. No ecchiness this time. *snicker*

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21 November 2002 // I'm not dead yet!
03 October 2002 // Snarling bitch to genki fangirl in 0.8 seconds flat! [i]
27 September 2002 // He's got butterfly wings, not feathery angel wings. Geez, people!
25 September 2002 // The Great Oekaki Contest Begins! [ai]
14 September 2002 // The obsessiveness continues...

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Serena Karaoke Dilandau-sama! Dragonslayer Viole

I support J-rock! mizer-licious! Dir-esque
gackt and kami make me think yaoi thoughts
FucKeD uP fAngIrL
put on your makeup, boy
Sockful of Quarters kanji