19 September 2001 // "Retail Therapy"

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I so ditched choir. ^^;;

I was just going to stop in at Borders really quick after work to pick up the new Tori Amos CD, then go home and grab dinner, then go to choir. Didn't work that way.

First, Mary was working at Borders tonight, and she was just about to go on her lunch break as I was checking out, so I got some soup in the cafe and we gossiped about the gallery for a while. One of the nifty things about working at Borders (and one of the things I realized tonight I really missed, having worked there for a summer and a holiday season) is that you can check out books to read them, kind of to familiarize yourself with what's available. Mary said she hadn't read anything really good in quite a while, so I introduced her to Neal Stephenson. *grin* Finally, she had to go back to work, her break was over... at which point I realized it was 8 p.m. and I was already half an hour late for choir.

So I went mall-walking. ^_^

On a hunch, I checked Software Etc. to see if they had the new Rurouni Kenshin action figures... and they did! **^_^x** I ended up only getting Kenshin, though - Sanosuke and Saito had very odd-looking hair, and though Kaoru looked very nice, I'm just not that much of a Kaoru fan. The Kenshin figure is scary-Kenshin instead of genki-Kenshin, which is somewhat disappointing (I prefer happy-Kenshin).

They also had the dvd of NieA under 7, which is the new anime from the same person who did Serial Experiments Lain. I saw one episode of it at Lobo a couple of weeks ago, and decided that it was one I wanted to have. It's odd, and sublimely amusing. I met another of my anime counterparts - a very genki fangirl - in that episode. ^_^ We'll probably watch that on Friday.

However, something in that bag didn't get de-magnetized or whatever it is that they do to disable the security tags, because I kept setting off alarms as I walked into other shops. Daaaaaa...

Found the sheet music for Phantom of the Opera... didn't find any anime soundtracks (I was kind of wanting to pick up another Kenshin one, hopefully with Aoshi's theme) or any new wallscrolls. Probably just as well. ^_^;;

The place where Modern Woman used to be is now a piano store, and they had one of those cool new computerized pianos with the keys that light up to show you which notes to play. ^_^ The guy showed me how to work it, and I played Pachelbel's Canon (halfway decently) and something by Tchaikovsky (miserably)... and then, as he was scrolling through the list, I saw "PRINCESS MONO" - Princess Mononoke! *major shoujo sparkle moment*

Geoff: *sweatdrop* Seeing how she reacted to that, I'm afraid to imagine her reaction if the thing had had "Yakusoku wa Iranai"...
Elya-chan: *blush*

At first I didn't quite remember how the melody went, so we listened to the demo - and I explained whence the song came - then I played it, fairly well. The piano provides the orchestrated background, and synchronizes it with the melody you play... and if you mess up a note, it can be kind of awkward to figure out where it wants you to go next. Still, it's a pretty fun gadget. Finally, still on a bit of an Evangelion kick from the past week, I played "Fly Me to the Moon". ^_^

By this point, it was almost 9, and the mall was getting ready to close. On the way out, I stopped at Godiva. *smile* It was kind of strange, though - the woman behind the counter looked very much like Cym... and the man waiting in the shop (who, it later became apparent, was meeting the woman) looked very much like David. Except I don't think David has a Bauhaus t-shirt. Yet. ^_^ I bought just four pieces of chocolate. Expensive-nyo... but worth it.

So... here I am now, feeling utterly decadent... listening to my new CD, slowly nibbling on one excellent piece of chocolate, writing a diaryland entry and about to drift off to sleep. I talked to Melanie for over an hour tonight - poor phone's still recovering. It's now almost 1:30 a.m. *contented sigh* I'm not going to worry about everything that has to get done tomorrow, I'll deal with it in the morning. Going to bed-nyo... oyasumi...

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21 November 2002 // I'm not dead yet!
03 October 2002 // Snarling bitch to genki fangirl in 0.8 seconds flat! [i]
27 September 2002 // He's got butterfly wings, not feathery angel wings. Geez, people!
25 September 2002 // The Great Oekaki Contest Begins! [ai]
14 September 2002 // The obsessiveness continues...

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Serena Karaoke Dilandau-sama! Dragonslayer Viole

I support J-rock! mizer-licious! Dir-esque
gackt and kami make me think yaoi thoughts
FucKeD uP fAngIrL
put on your makeup, boy
Sockful of Quarters kanji