27 January 2002 // randomness: injury update, ffviii, linkage, and yet more tests! [im]

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okay, just randomness tonight while i soak my hand... -_-;;

camui-neko gets spayed tomorrow. i'll drop her off at the vet about 8 a.m. and pick her up after work. i don't know if i'll go to chorus tomorrow night - i think she'll need me here. i'll see how she's doing. ^_^

my hand is getting better - the swelling has gone down considerably, it's less red, it hurts less. i'm still wearing the splint a lot... which means i get to tell the story of how it got hurt - a lot. i've gotten good at telling it fairly quickly. *lol* at church this morning, though, i took over the microphone before the service started and gave my report... considering that about five people had asked just on my way in. ^_^ i love new life - everyone really does look out for each other.

one of the gamers left final fantasy viii here on friday. heehee... probably a mistake (especially since i was using my injured right hand to press buttons), but i spent much of saturday playing it. i'd never played it before because i thought i would hate it, since it didn't have the cute chibi characters. ^_^;;; and then i discovered that squall looks a hell of a lot like gackt from when he was in malice mizer - similar hairstyle (though not with the �ber-cool woven part), similar clothing (black jacket with white fluffy trim) ... the theory is that the character design really is based on the singer. **^_^** i showed the gamers a video of a live mm performance of "brise" (whee! frolicking mana!) and their response was on the order of "holy shit! he does look like squall!" of course, when i started playing the game, my response was "holy shit! he does look like gackt!" and i promptly renamed him accordingly. *snicker* unlike other ff villains, i immediately developed a dislike for seifer. he annoys me. he's a smarmy git, and he reminds me of the way ken annoys me. however, i like squall's limit break thingy with the trigger deal... 's just like playing ddr... *evil grin*

once my hand gets better, i need to make a klaha sprite. he's just so cute! i want his outfit from the "beast of blood" video! hehheh... next cosplay, maybe? ^_~ i had that song stuck in my head all evening - all through dinner at pastor ed's house. ^_^;;;;;;

eeeee-vil idea for group cosplay skit at a-kon: get all the gamers to dress as malice mizer, then do the airband (or karaoke, if i can find it) thing to "the masochism tango" ... y'know, that song would be great for a sorcerer hunters music video, too... *cackles with insane glee*

i need a more 1337 box. >^_^<

site randomness: switched in two new webcomics on my start page, college roomies from hell!!! and clan of the cats. also put in three jrock-related sites i visit regularly, senshi gakuen, visual kei academy, and shiroi heya. senshi gakuen is, of course, the highly nifty site that's the place to go for gackt translations (thank you for signing my gb, makoto~! i'll see you at ushicon! wai~~!). the visual kei academy is... *snicker* ... an awesome place to go for j-rock silliness - be sure to take a look at the "playground" and "submissions" sections, preferably when you're somewhere you won't be embarrassed about laughing your butt off. ^_~ shiroi heya has j-rock news, reviews, previews, editorials, and niftiness, including a live365 station i've been listening to for the past couple days. (alas, live365's playlist display seems to glitch a lot, so if i haven't heard a song before i have no way of finding out who it is beyond guessing... but ye gods, i've gotten to the point where i can identify a l'arc~en~ciel song as such by the first few riffs, even if i've never heard it before ... or at least by hyde's voice! *lol*)

i'm going to get jrock cds at ushicon. that is my mission in the dealers' room. i've been going through my cd collection to sell a bunch of the stuff i never listen to so i'll have money to do so. *snicker*

(YAAAAAY! happy malice mizer song! mori no naka no tenshi i think it's called, but i'm not sure 'cause the playlist display isn't working -_-;;;; ... i love this song! **^_^** it sounds like ... a chocobo song, or the gold saucer music from ff7, only much niftier. i've been hoping to hear this song all day! ^_^)

i finally know how i want to do my diaryland ad banner... i've had gold membership for what, nearly a year? and now i have to wait for my hand to heal before i can put it together... -_-;;

more random test things *giggle*:

Which Gackt are you most like?
quiz by mcvarmazi

Not surprisingly, Cadence got Vanilla Gackt. *snicker*
Cadence: *ecchi grin*

Check it out, man! I'm evil, are you?

Muahahaha. >^_^<

And finally... since I talk about this song so much, link the lyrics, make silly ecchi references to it, get it played on the radio, torment the gamers by randomly singing the chorus, and generally love this song to death, here it is to download: Vanilla. Yummy! **^_^**

Now i'm gonna go to bed before i develop keyboard-face. Oyasumi. *crash*

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21 November 2002 // I'm not dead yet!
03 October 2002 // Snarling bitch to genki fangirl in 0.8 seconds flat! [i]
27 September 2002 // He's got butterfly wings, not feathery angel wings. Geez, people!
25 September 2002 // The Great Oekaki Contest Begins! [ai]
14 September 2002 // The obsessiveness continues...

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The Kami/Gackt picture above was lovingly scanned by me and carefully edited for this layout. Please don't swipe it. Take the unadulterated version here, and if you use it somewhere else (like a wp or a skin), please link me and let me know - I'd love to see the results!

Serena Karaoke Dilandau-sama! Dragonslayer Viole

I support J-rock! mizer-licious! Dir-esque
gackt and kami make me think yaoi thoughts
FucKeD uP fAngIrL
put on your makeup, boy
Sockful of Quarters kanji