18 January 2001 // Happynewyear catchup! ^_^;;; [m]

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First of all, a long-overdue "Happy New Millenium!" I've been busy the past few weeks, and in the downtime i've actually managed to take, I've been doing other things than posting new things here. Moushiwake arimasen!!! *deep Dragonslayer-type bow* "Please forgive me!" ... erm... I seem to be saying that a lot lately... i like figuring out what characters are saying in japanese... *g*

So, what have I been doing? For one thing, I signed up for classes at TV-I: Intro to Multimedia (which has been pretty fun so far), Digital Publishing (mainly so I can actually make things print-ready when we do ads and stuff at work), and Web Construction Coding (which starts in February). TV-I is really cool, especially if you're a NM resident - the classes are very inexpensive (almost free!), and they offer a wide variety of nifty useful stuff. :) My books were more expensive than my tuition! Signing up was quick and pretty painless, too, even on the ultra-busy first day of classes. So yeah, that's definitely on the "recommended" list. *g*

I've also joined - and am actually active in, and have been made a "founder" of - a fun Yahoo! club, Dilandau Shrine (makes sense, ne? I'm Dilandau-sama's miko, or priestess, so naturally I'd be at his shrine...) Check it out! We've got some fun RP going on - I'm playing my infamous Dragonslayer trio: Viole, Megane, and Shinji - and a few other fun things like fanart and fanfic. I tried to get a poll going, but then I was even gone from there for a week, and didn't keep it up. Need to figure out how to make that more viable. *sigh*

Tonight? I caught the end of Outlaw Star on Cartoon Network - not too bad a dub, but it's no Bebop. ^_^ However, it has this absolutely beautiful closing theme, "Hiiru no Tsuki", sung by Akino Arai - who has one of the most lovely, haunting voices I've heard in a long time. She also does some of the vocals for Please Save my Earth and Macross Plus (with Yoko Kanno - *swoon*), as well as "Kaze to Tori to Sora ~ Reincarnation" from Lodoss Wars (OVA) - the reason I got that soundtrack, the lyrics broke my heart when I happened across them... *sigh* I need to get more soundtracks (I always need more soundtracks!), but for now, I went on a download hunt. *grin* I tried all the different nifty mp3 websites I knew of, and got lotsa other neat songs in the process (including a fabulous new L'Arc~en~Ciel tune), but found it nowhere. So I downloaded Napster. *eeee-vil grin* Got it. Got "Memory of Time" from PSME. Got the Karaoke version of "Yakusoku wa Iranai" from Esca (which I'm singing along to right now - whee!), and am currently hunting more beautiful Akino Arai music. :) And my FlashNet connection is pretty much behaving itself, so this is going relatively quickly. It's very easy to see how this can get addicting... oh! that ad police theme i heard on the preview on the latest bgc2040 tape! has anyone got that?

Listening to the Outlaw Star ending (which I don't yet know well enough to get stuck in my head) I got this little melancholy waltz-like melody running through my mind. I wrote it down in NoteWorthy Composer (kewl shareware music notation program) - at that link, there's also a free winamp plugin you can download to play NWC files... I intended to share the melody here, but unfortunately files saved with the unregistered version of the composer won't play with this plugin, or even generate viable midi files. *blush* Well, I was gonna register it eventually - now's as good a time as any. I'll upload the file and post a link here as soon as I know it'll work. -_-;; Update! Yay, my registration code was in my email this morning! The file with the melody is here - you may want to right-click and "save link as" - and the free winamp plugin is here. Enjoy!

The Women's Chorus has started up again - this season is going to be awesomely cool! We're singing with Holly Near in March! And we've got lots more people in the group now (gee, I wonder why...?)! We have to memorize all the music this time - this is a Good Thing, imho... we already sounded good at the first rehearsal last monday, I can't wait to hear us in concert form! *grin*

We've got a new computer guy at work... his name is Duc, and he's pretty cool. :) I'm getting him addicted to anime - he already watched the entire series of Esca last weekend... *evil grin* note to self: take more dvd's for him tomorrow...

Okay, my random playlist seems stuck on the jpop stuff, it hasn't even touched the few american songs I put in... *sigh*

Geh. There's more I wanted to mention, but I'm fading fast and I really oughta get to sleep... before I get keyboard face... nifty thing about my keyboard is that it has this spot in the middle where you can rest your forehead if you start falling asleep...

Oh yeah, the design changed again. (obvious, ne?) This is more like I intended it to be originally - playful, bright, less somber, Serena-chan smiling at you and all. Gotta love doujinshi. ^_~

Oyasumi. *crash*

yah, i got that from sailor moon... gotta love fansubs, too.

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21 November 2002 // I'm not dead yet!
03 October 2002 // Snarling bitch to genki fangirl in 0.8 seconds flat! [i]
27 September 2002 // He's got butterfly wings, not feathery angel wings. Geez, people!
25 September 2002 // The Great Oekaki Contest Begins! [ai]
14 September 2002 // The obsessiveness continues...

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The Kami/Gackt picture above was lovingly scanned by me and carefully edited for this layout. Please don't swipe it. Take the unadulterated version here, and if you use it somewhere else (like a wp or a skin), please link me and let me know - I'd love to see the results!

Serena Karaoke Dilandau-sama! Dragonslayer Viole

I support J-rock! mizer-licious! Dir-esque
gackt and kami make me think yaoi thoughts
FucKeD uP fAngIrL
put on your makeup, boy
Sockful of Quarters kanji