05 September 2002 // News, Ghost Ranch, moving again

music // nothing playing, many different things stuck in my head including Glay, Geoff Tate, and Dead Can Dance. ^.^;;
wp // mm - mm - je te veux
link // ~~pink~~ - kami shrine ^_^

Camui-neko is chasing a moth. The moth is, of course, fluttering around the only light sources in the room, which would be my computer monitor and the lamp on my desk. Camui-neko is chasing this moth around my monitor... you can imagine that this is a bit distracting, and makes it a bit difficult to type. I love my kitty. ^_^;;;

*chases camui-neko away wif the squirt bottle*

First news item: I have posted my first story on fanfiction.net! It's a nice, smutty little pwp Malice Mizer fic with a twist of light bondage, featuring Kami and Yu~ki and Gackt. It is rated NC-17 for graphic yaoi. You have been warned, or alerted, take your pick. Part one, which I've been working on the past few mornings, is up here. Part two will be posted when I write it, which will likely be soon after we move this weekend. The title is "Touch" for many reasons, not the least of which is that I've had that particular song by Geoff Tate stuck in my head, despite what I was actually listening to when I wrote it. Please read (if you like yaoi, anyway) and review! Thank you. That is all.

Second: I have been filling out a few random D-land surveys, so I created one of my own. Please fill it out! It's rather random, and rather amusing, IMHO. Thank you. That is all. ^_~

*again with the squirt bottle* >.<

Third: new silliness with Zohra posted at plushiedoken. Ice cream is involved. Mmm, ice cream.

Ghost Ranch was wonderful last weekend, as always. Yes, I missed AnimeFest again, and I've since heard stories that make me sad that I did, but after the hell that is the gallery in August I really don't have it in me (or in my wallet) to do a con. I need to get my ass up to the Ranch to recharge on that retreat.

Nyx and I drove up on Friday afternoon after getting our hair cut by Giselle (I got my split ends and my bangs trimmed, and Nyx got a very nice-looking short 'do) to set up the Tent of Doom. The Tent of Doom is a bitch and a half to put up, but it's a very nice thing once it's up, all roomy and stuff. It also probably wouldn't blow away in a hurricane, unlike the newer contraptions the other campers had. XD It's well older than I am - I know my parents spent part of their honeymoon in it before they gave up on the Grand Canyon because it was raining so hard they couldn't see the canyon and went to Vegas. It's practically a family heirloom.

With our lodging for the weekend established, we carpooled back down to Rancho de Chimayó for dinner... and since I wasn't driving, I got to have my Midori Margarita. Yaaay. ^_^ Had flan for dessert, too - that was delightful. ^_^ Sated, I must have dozed most of the way back to the ranch, listening to Janis Ian in Cindy and Patty's car.

When we arrived, the sky was so clear, so dark, and the stars were so bright a flashlight was unnecessary if one let one's vision adjust. Instead of collapsing directly into bed like I'd planned, I walked the labyrinth by starlight. It was magical. It's so healing to be able to leave everything - cares, troubles, anger, frustration - in the center, in the hands of the Goddess. The trick is staying healed when you return to work on Monday. -_-

Saturday morning Nyx and I walked down to the library. After much browsing (and finally reading Jonathan Livingston Seagull by Richard Bach, which I highly recommend), I checked out an interesting (translated) Japanese novel called Masks by Fumiko Enchi. It made a lot of references to The Tale of Genji... I think I may see if there's a translation of that once I'm done with the library books I currently have.

(I seem to now be embroiled in an IM tickle-fight. Oi, this is distracting! *lol* I'm... not sure where she wants to go with this... ^^;;;)

On my way back to the Longhouse, I explored a little down the side of the trail and found the low ropes challenge course... i'm thinking I miiiight want to try something like that again - the last time I saw a ropes course was at girl scout camp and I was so acrophobic it wasn't even funny. I was paralyzed, I was so scared. I'm less nervous about heights now, I think... I wonder if I could do it. Heh.

I also got to speculating about fanfic, as I am wont to do. What if a bunch of J-rockers went camping? *giggle* Kami would be enjoying the hell out of it (it was likely his idea in the first place), Yu~ki wouldn't be too sure of the idea ("Great, we have an insane man for a drummer..."), Közi'd probably think it was pretty cool...

I mean, really, walking along cliffs in good hiking boots can't be that much more perilous than dancing down a stage staircase in those tall platform shoes, right?

That afternoon was our traditional excursion to Lake Abiquiu. The water level was so low, with the drought we've been in, that we could walk across to the "island" on dry land. We walked to the other side of the island to find a fairly empty and somewhat foot-friendly stretch of beach. I swam farther than I ever thought I could - from the back of the island to the side of the lake and back. Granted, this isn't a very big lake, but I was so exhausted by the time I got back to where my shoes were. x_x I'm such a wimp. I neeeeed to get back to playing DDR on a daily basis for my cardio workout. *lol*

Saturday night: Cookout, S'mores, and Singalong. Oh, and an evil challenging puzzle of the old NYC skyline. ^^;; Nyx and I regaled the group with the song we wrote in 7th grade, "Starfleet Life".

Then... as if I needed further proof of my out-of-shape-ness, I decided to go on the Kitchen Mesa hike on Sunday morning. Started off okay, sure, but by the time we were climbing the red rock up the back of the mesa, I was having a hard time catching my breath... and wondering why the hell I thought this would be a good idea. James and Kathy stayed back with me and talked me through getting up the mountain (dammit, it felt like a mountain) at a much slower pace than the rest of the group. I don't feel too bad about it though, considering. After all, Claire is on Crew at Northwestern, Ryan plays soccer and has the boundless energy inherent in a 12-year-old boy, and his father does a lot of hiking as well. Once I finally made it to the top, though, it was completely worth it. The view from the top of Kitchen Mesa is absolutely, well, breathtaking. The entire valley was visible below us, and the morning light struck the mesas around us with brilliance. Just amazing. Quite frankly, that fed my soul much more than going to the actual worship service would have.

After a marvelous breakfast, Nyx and I finished the books we'd borrowed from the library, I took a nap and a shower to recover from a mild case of heat exhaustion, then we struck camp, packed up the tent, and left. Then we came back, as I realized I'd forgotten my towels and swimsuit drying on the clothesline outside the bath house. Then we drove home.

I had to work on Monday (boo!) because I'm off on Friday (which is now today ^.^;;) to move into our new 2-bedroom apartment. Nyx has been packing my stuff up all week and I ... I, er, haven't been much help. -_-;; We can start moving in at 2 p.m., and once I become conscious in the morning, we'll finish up packing. We have to be out of the old apartment, have it cleaned up and everything, by the end of the weekend to turn the keys in on Monday... which is a much better deal than I thought - I thought we'd only have one day to do all this. So there's a bit of a reprieve, anyway.

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recent alterations //
21 November 2002 // I'm not dead yet!
03 October 2002 // Snarling bitch to genki fangirl in 0.8 seconds flat! [i]
27 September 2002 // He's got butterfly wings, not feathery angel wings. Geez, people!
25 September 2002 // The Great Oekaki Contest Begins! [ai]
14 September 2002 // The obsessiveness continues...

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The Kami/Gackt picture above was lovingly scanned by me and carefully edited for this layout. Please don't swipe it. Take the unadulterated version here, and if you use it somewhere else (like a wp or a skin), please link me and let me know - I'd love to see the results!

Serena Karaoke Dilandau-sama! Dragonslayer Viole

I support J-rock! mizer-licious! Dir-esque
gackt and kami make me think yaoi thoughts
FucKeD uP fAngIrL
put on your makeup, boy
Sockful of Quarters kanji