18 July 2001 // dream a little dream of Duo... (long update, with music!) [am]

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ooh, two entries in one day! ^_^;; The last one was another a-kon story, this is more of an update about my life. :P

The big news is, I'm moving! I'm getting a one-bedroom apartment at this nice place that happens to be near the mall - it's a great floor plan, and big! 655 square feet, plus a private patio. I'm moving August 3rd. The plan is to get off work a little early and go sign the lease and get the paperwork done, then get the gaming group to help me haul boxes and furniture... then party afterward. :) I'm really looking forward to this. Once I get settled in, I can finally adopt a cat! ^_^

One of the many addictive things we discovered at A-kon was Dance Dance Revolution... This game has a very simple premise - you dance like the characters on the screen, hitting the appropriate buttons as arrows scroll up to the top of the screen. The nifty thing is, they have game pads that you put on the floor and actually dance on, hitting the arrows with your feet, and getting a heck of a workout in the bargain. Hehheh. Replay Games has a nifty deal where you can get the game and two dance pads for about $55. David and I got the gaming group addicted. ^_^ It's funny, though, once you've been playing this game for a while, you start wanting to do the dance moves to just about anything with a decent beat... *dances in her chair to Koi no Dance Site by Morning Musume, which isn't even a DDR song, but it should be!*

My uncle's kids are visiting for the summer, and I got to spend the night with them the other night (nominally babysitting, but don't tell them that). Laura's 12, and already taller than I am (grumble), and Andrew I think is 9 or 10 (not sure). We started off playing Canasta (my first time playing), and as Andrew was attempting to conspire against me with Laura, I made the comment that it would be amusing to see Dilandau and the Dragonslayers playing Canasta (Viole grins evilly...). They didn't know who I was talking about, so I told them that they were characters in my favorite anime... and that I had brought the first DVD with me. I got them to watch it in Japanese by agreeing to Andrew's request that I read the subtitles aloud. *grin* They loved it. :) Laura really liked the opening theme, and kept replaying the opening credits (much to Andrew's dismay). I agree with Andrew's opinion that the dragon-mode Escaflowne is weak (though it does look cool) because the pilot is exposed on the back (the Alseides is much better). We watched part of ep. 3 dubbed so they could see how bad the dub was, and how horribly they mispronounced Dilandau-sama's name (D'landow! XD). Laura and I ended up sleeping out in the living room, listening to Yakusoku wa iranai on constant repeat and giggling about ridiculous nicknames for the characters. Poor Dilandau-sama... "D'landow" rapidly became "The Land Cow" (Moo). We also ended up with a Dixie Chicks parody, of all things: "Goodbye Merle". We probably finally fell asleep about 2 or 2:30 a.m. Some sitter I am. ^_^;; I left them the soundtrack and the 3 dvd's i'd brought (Esca, Kenshin, and Mononoke) ... need to go reclaim those and get 'em the second disc of Esca. :) I'm debating whether to give them my vhs tapes of Esca - problem is, their mom is a fundamentalist Baptist-type and would probably burn them, claiming they're the work of the devil. Grr. I don't want that to happen to my Esca tapes. I am, however, going to burn a CD for Laura of some of my favorite Maaya Sakamoto songs... and give her a copy of the lyrics and translations too. :)

I had two very vivid dreams while I was sleeping there. In the first, there was this big-name performer like Pavarotti or something that was giving this exclusive concert... in their living room. In the second, their house had become this spa-type thing, with hottubs and pools and stuff... and somehow, toward the end of this dream, I ended up braiding Duo Maxwell's hair. I've been thinking about his hair a lot for the past several days for some reason - I think it started with using the sexy-Duo picture as a bit of a model for a fanart pic of Eikre from RPG World, continued with my character Rina (who has a braid much like Duo's) encouraging me to braid my hair (oh! and wear your glasses! and get that pretty wrap-around shirt from Fashion Bug! it's on sale, you know you want it...), and was only further encouraged by reading strange, highly random GW fanfic (I haven't read anything that ... odd ... since the r�che fluff). His hair was so silky, and so strong... Duo is definitely not someone who skimps on his hair-care products. I want to go have that dream again, dangit... ^_^;; There was this one incredible picture on Ai no kuusou (a really cool yaoi doujinshi site which is now gone *sniff*) of Duo with his hair loose and floating around in zero-g. The way the artist rendered his hair was absolutely stunning. (and yes, Duo was naked in this pic, but that's not the point!) I really wish I'd saved a copy of that picture before that site went down.

Umm... what else? My parents got their business up and going, though they still haven't sold a house yet (mom's getting nervous about that).

The gallery is getting ready for another big show in August, this time on historic Zuni pottery... very nice stuff, unfortunately i'll probably have to skip the game that friday 'cause I'll have to be at the opening. :P

too sexy for his own damn good Elfwood's down, has been for a couple of weeks - I need to get my own gallery page up. I was going to do that on the 4th 'cause I had the day off, but it was such a pretty day outside and the park was calling me saying "come out here and draw fanart! you know you want to!" I ended up drawing and cg-ing the Eikre fanart there - click on the thumbnail for a bigger pic, as usual. :) I really love the way the shading turned out. Is he a sexy bishie or what? ^_~

I made Hello Dragonslayer t-shirts for Melanie and Emily when I went to visit them a couple of weekends ago - Emily looks soooo cute in her shirt! I must get Melanie to send me a picture - i wish i'd taken a camera!

I saw Final Fantasy the day it came out... wow. Sugoi! Incredibly beautiful animation, and I love the two vocal songs at the end. Yes, I got the soundtrack as soon as I saw that L'Arc~en~ciel performed one of the ending songs, Spirit Dreams Inside (*grin* click to download... 3,451KB). Of course, seeing the movie prompted me to go back to playing Final Fantasy IX - I'm at the point in the game where I'm wandering around getting attacked by random monsters so my characters can level and learn abilities and stuff before we tackle the final area/plot/whatever... and I'm getting close to ready. *evil grin*

I picked up a couple of good j-pop cds at a-kon, including the Wei� Kreuz best album (*grin* more bishounen goodness). My favorite track on that one is probably Other Side of the Moon (3,369KB)... yep, that's harpsichord. :) I also got Duty by Ayumi Hamasaki - very, very cool... some of the tracks sound like they should be DDR songs. :) Mostly fast and serious, techno-ish. It's hard to pick a favorite, but try SCAR (4,031KB) for a taste.

Okay, i've been working on this off-and-on all day, between actual work work... time to go home and watch Wei� fansubs and pack. Think this is a long enough update to make up for over a month without? ^_^

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21 November 2002 // I'm not dead yet!
03 October 2002 // Snarling bitch to genki fangirl in 0.8 seconds flat! [i]
27 September 2002 // He's got butterfly wings, not feathery angel wings. Geez, people!
25 September 2002 // The Great Oekaki Contest Begins! [ai]
14 September 2002 // The obsessiveness continues...

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Serena Karaoke Dilandau-sama! Dragonslayer Viole

I support J-rock! mizer-licious! Dir-esque
gackt and kami make me think yaoi thoughts
FucKeD uP fAngIrL
put on your makeup, boy
Sockful of Quarters kanji