29 september 2000 // quick randomness

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found a great online comic this morning - Cool Cat Studio ... gotta add this one to my start page, ne? ^_^ Liz is to die for, and I wouldn't mind being in Sophia's shoes, either. :)

stayed up too late last night - David got a PSone and I got introduced to Parasite Eve - damn cool game. Wowie. Trippy dreams after playing it, though.. ^_^;;

the PSone is sooo kawaii!!! really, that's the best word to describe it. it's like a miniature playstation. it's smaller than two dvd cases stacked together. it's just... cute! i have gotta get me one of those! but first gotta pay for the camper shell and then gotta get a dvd player... ^_^;;

and yay! i get out of here early today! ^_^

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recent alterations //
21 November 2002 // I'm not dead yet!
03 October 2002 // Snarling bitch to genki fangirl in 0.8 seconds flat! [i]
27 September 2002 // He's got butterfly wings, not feathery angel wings. Geez, people!
25 September 2002 // The Great Oekaki Contest Begins! [ai]
14 September 2002 // The obsessiveness continues...

elya-chan's current mood

fate alteration 5.0

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fate alteration original design and content �2000-2002 elya-chan.
Layout optimized for Internet Explorer 5.5 or higher, resolution 800x600 or greater.
All characters mentioned are � their respective creators.

The Kami/Gackt picture above was lovingly scanned by me and carefully edited for this layout. Please don't swipe it. Take the unadulterated version here, and if you use it somewhere else (like a wp or a skin), please link me and let me know - I'd love to see the results!

Serena Karaoke Dilandau-sama! Dragonslayer Viole

I support J-rock! mizer-licious! Dir-esque
gackt and kami make me think yaoi thoughts
FucKeD uP fAngIrL
put on your makeup, boy
Sockful of Quarters kanji