29 August 2001 // Retreating to Ghost Ranch

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I'm going to a retreat at Ghost Ranch this weekend... I'm not going to AnimeFEST in Dallas, I'm not going to get to see BoA. *sigh* It's just as well. I think I need to go camping more than I need to go to another con right now, and it's certainly a hell of a lot cheaper. -_-;;

It should be a very nice, relaxing weekend with the people from New Life... Up in the high desert, among the beautiful scenery, near Abiquiu Lake, up where Georgia O'Keeffe used to live. Her old house is at Ghost Ranch - last year a couple of us drove down the back roads to go peek at it. I'm wondering if I'll get the chance to go horseback riding this year.

There is a wonderful outdoor labyrinth near where we camp. As much as I love walking the labyrinth, it seems that the only times I actually get to do so are at Christmas and at this yearly retreat. New Life has walks every month, but I always seem to miss them - I'm gaming on Friday nights, and getting things done or crashing on Saturdays.

I'm not taking the laptop. I'd prefer not to have the cell phone either, but it's too useful, and I'd really miss it if there were an emergency. I'll probably just leave it turned off in the truck, and I won't check my voice mail until I get home. *g* So there. I don't want to be connected this weekend, dammit.

I plan to do a lot of reading. There's this book I'm hoping to borrow from Isaura (I started reading it while I was petsitting for her a few months back) called Daughter of the Shining Isles. It's a very different take on the story of Mary Magdalene, on the order of Mists of Avalon as related to the Arthurian legends (and I know Nyx won't think much of this comparison, but as soon as I can find a copy of my own, I'm sending it to her, 'cause she has to read it). I figure it'll be much more appropriate reading for the setting than The Soulforge - the story of my favorite Dragonlance character, Raistlin... though I'll probably take that along, too. ^_^ I'm taking my sketchbook and some art stuff, though I don't know how much, if anything, I'll actually get done. I'll have it with me in case I feel like drawing. This isn't a "get things done" weekend, it's a "relax and recharge" weekend.

I need to get all my stuff together and pack tonight. I'm so scatterbrained this week, though - i can't think of all the stuff i need. Every time I get back from camping I say to myself that I need to make a list of all the schtuff I should have brought, so that I'll remember it next time. I wonder if I made such a list last time. I'll have to check when i get home. Goddess knows where it is, though. :P

Why does it always seem like it's "crunch time" at the gallery? If it's not one thing, it's another... or it's really freakin' boring. Right now, I'm working on getting an ad and a postcard ready to take to press for a show we're doing in December. Geh. It has to be done right now, this week before Ken no baka goes on his 3-week vacation to fsckin' Greece. How the hell does he get to take 3-week vacations every 8 months? Fucker. As soon as he gets back, I'm pushing for getting the website set up with a database backend, and then I am so getting out of here. 3 years of this nonsense. *grumble* *wanders off to practice Dilandau impressions*

Hoo-yeah. I need this retreat.

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Serena Karaoke Dilandau-sama! Dragonslayer Viole

I support J-rock! mizer-licious! Dir-esque
gackt and kami make me think yaoi thoughts
FucKeD uP fAngIrL
put on your makeup, boy
Sockful of Quarters kanji