20 November 2001 // Another voice has moved in... [i]

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The postcards are done. Labeled, sorted, bundled, and sent... all three thousand six hundred something of 'em. Ken and I took them to the post office yesterday morning. Now we'll see how long it takes for one of them to get to me. *lol*

It seems, however, that (a) I keep failing my Sanity rolls (especially when listening to my new Malice Mizer CD) and (b) another anime character has moved into my head... namely, Kimura Takurou (or Kimutaku), the blonde word-loving bishounen with the ever-changing lapel flower from Di Gi Charat. Witness the following AIM conversation from yesterday evening (I'm hinokotakayama):

hinokotakayama: oh gods... typing... letter from... Ken... must not... fail sanity roll... *whimper*
Deus Zukin: O.O Nani?!
hinokotakayama: i have to type a letter for ken... and it's soooo bad....
Deus Zukin: *roflmao* I see
Deus Zukin: Poor poor Elya
hinokotakayama: *hides from the scary scary letter*
Deus Zukin: Is it as bad as a Collect call of Cthulhu?
hinokotakayama: almost! *pouts*
Deus Zukin: daaamn... must be bad then... I suggest you do the letter... that way you will no longer be the sanest member of the group...
hinokotakayama: I don't think I am, anyway... I really think Max is the sanest. *lol* Or RonJon.
Deus Zukin: Ok so Max is the sanest, then you, then Ronjon... Then... ummm....
hinokotakayama: tough call, ne?
Deus Zukin: Hai... I only know who is the sanest and who is completely lacking...
hinokotakayama: and who is completely lacking? *lol*
Deus Zukin: Me of course *lol* Even Cym has more sanity than I do... but shhhh! Don't let anyone else know
hinokotakayama: *rofl*

okay, here's the first paragraph of the letter, verbatim:

At the request from [Name], she had ask me to evaluate your "Leekya" necklace. I was give a copy of the appraisal from July 27, 1997 to comparable the item. And a photo of the necklace which was in black & white.

*whimpers, hides, and cries* so... sooooo wrong...
Deus Zukin: Oh my...
hinokotakayama: this... this horrible travesty upon the white veil of grammar, this flagrant abuse of tense and sensibility, this deplorable torture of the English language...
Deus Zukin: Yes yes yes Di Gi Charat Bishounen
hinokotakayama: *blinks* Oh my. That is who I sound like, isn't it? Eep... I've gained another voice in my head NYOOOOO!!!!
Deus Zukin: Hai Hai
hinokotakayama: *sobs* I need a Puchiko plushie...
Deus Zukin: Hai!
hinokotakayama: oh, remember the whole all your base thing?
Deus Zukin: Yeah? *sweatdrops*
hinokotakayama wants to send file C: empag-ayb.gif.
yet another AYB parody...
Deus Zukin received C: empag-ayb.gif.
Deus Zukin: O.O ORO?!
hinokotakayama: *snicker* just remembered that I had that... ^_^
Deus Zukin: -_-;;;;;;; scary-nyo
hinokotakayama: Ken: We get Signal!
Elya: What you say?
Deus Zukin: Nani?! O.O Now I'm worrying about your sanity
hinokotakayama: I think I failed that sanity roll...
Deus Zukin: Ahhh
hinokotakayama: *winds up the dancing Gizmo*
hinokotakayama: *slams head against wall* what! is he trying! to say?!
Deus Zukin: I... have no... idea
hinokotakayama: *wants to futae no kiwami ken's ungramattical arse back to the football field from whence he came*
Deus Zukin: You did see the Kenshin DDR thing right?
hinokotakayama: ooh yeah!
Deus Zukin: Good
hinokotakayama: i know, i know, stomping doesn't help...
Deus Zukin: It might if you stomp on him hard enough
hinokotakayama: Heh heh heh... it just might...

*realizes she's combining Sanosuke and Kimutaku and decides this means it's time to abandon the letter until tomorrow*
Deus Zukin: *roflmao*
Deus Zukin: New BESM villian perhaps?
hinokotakayama: *lol* Zintar's Arch-Enemy!
Deus Zukin: Ahhhh

I finished typing and editing the letter this morning. *twitch* *whimper*

On the bright (?) side, I finally found Farfarello's song "Kiss Me Kiss Me Kill Me" on Audiogalaxy. *insane grin* I'm going to have to make a "Completely Psychotic, Insane, and Nucking Futs" mix CD one of these days. XD

Now I've just gotta get myself over to Jusenkyo and find the Cursed Spring of the Drowned Bishounen to fall in. *kerschnicker*

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21 November 2002 // I'm not dead yet!
03 October 2002 // Snarling bitch to genki fangirl in 0.8 seconds flat! [i]
27 September 2002 // He's got butterfly wings, not feathery angel wings. Geez, people!
25 September 2002 // The Great Oekaki Contest Begins! [ai]
14 September 2002 // The obsessiveness continues...

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Serena Karaoke Dilandau-sama! Dragonslayer Viole

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gackt and kami make me think yaoi thoughts
FucKeD uP fAngIrL
put on your makeup, boy
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